Discover our projects & locations

Projects in development, under construction, and in operation in Spain and in the world

Here you can find an overview of the projects in Spain, in development, under construction and in operations phases. Please get in touch if you have any questions about our current projects, or if you see new opportunities for development.

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* The term “country” contains states, provinces and territorites and is used without prejudice to the RWE AG position on the status of any given country or region.

RWE Renewables - PPA

With PPAs, your company can benefit from steady and predictable costs.


RWE Renewables Iberia S.A.U.

Pl. Catalunya 1,
3E (Edif. El Triangle)
08002 Barcelona

RWE Renewables Iberia S.A.U.

Pl. Manuel Gómez Moreno 2,
Planta 18 (Ed. Alfredo Mahou)
28020 Madrid