Aerial view of a vibrant urban area featuring diverse buildings, green trees, and bustling streets in a city.
RWE Renewables Iberia S.A.U.

RWE Renewables Iberia S.A.U.

RWE is one of the leading developers and producers of renewable energy in Spain. With our extensive experience we operate a total installed capacity of around 677 megawatts, which can cover the annual demand of around 145.000 households.

RWE is involved in each step of the value chain, from the scouting of potential sites through to the dismantling or renewal of plants across the country. We pay special attention to the quality of our work throughout the process. We are committed to working hand in hand with local residents, elected officials, socio-economic players, associations, administrations, the government and other stakeholders.

Facts at a glance

around 00 megawatts

total installed capacity

around 00

annual demand of households

more than 00


More than 200 employees develop, build, operate and maintain our renewables projects. Our team comprises skilled project managers, project engineers, and technicians, as well as many other experts in different fields as RWE creates jobs within the local economy during each phase of any project.

In Europe, Spain is one of the most promising growth markets for RWE.

RWE Renewables Iberia S.A.U.

Pl. Catalunya 1,
3E (Edif. El Triangle)
08002 Barcelona

RWE Renewables Iberia S.A.U.

Pl. Manuel Gómez Moreno 2,
Planta 18 (Ed. Alfredo Mahou)
28020 Madrid

RWE Renewables Iberia S.A.U.

Pol. Valdeconsejo
C/ Aneto, Parcela 16-C, Nave 1 y 2
50410 Cuarte de Huerva, Zaragoza